Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour arrested at Kavanaugh hearing

(Daily Caller) Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour was among the left-wing activists arrested Tuesday for interrupting the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

[Sarsour] entered the hearing room in the Hart Senate Office Building just before 9:30 a.m. EDT. She sat quietly with other anti-Kavanaugh activists until the hearing opened, at which point she loudly rebuked Republican lawmakers and urged them to adjourn. She continued to shout at senators as she was dragged from the room by multiple police officers. Several other activists brandishing signs immediately followed suit and were removed.

Democratic members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary similarly urged the GOP majority to defer the hearing until they could review some 42,000 records relating to Kavanaugh’s White House service which were released late Monday night.

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