Canadian Arabic-language newspaper criticized for pro-terrorist op-ed

(Canadian Jewish News) The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) says it is “disgusted” and “alarmed” that a Toronto-based Arabic-language newspaper glorified Palestinian mothers who “sacrifice” their sons as suicide bombers and terrorists.

CIJA said the Aug. 3 issue of Meshwar contained an article that praised three women whose sons carried out or co-ordinated suicide bombings against Israelis, on behalf of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

The author, Muhammad Sayf al-Dawla, is an Egyptian activist who reportedly served Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood-led government, CIJA alleged.

“We are disgusted that this Canadian newspaper is once again celebrating terrorism,” said CIJA’s Martin Sampson. Meshwar, he noted, has a long history of praising terrorism, engaging in Holocaust denial and issuing other anti-Semitic statements.

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