The Gray Lady once again sanitizes radical Islam

(IPT) For many years now, the New York Times has sanitized radical Islamic groups, militant Islamic leaders and even Islamic terrorist attacks. The paper has [done] this by deliberately omitting critical details that would discredit Islamist groups. For example, the Times routinely describes the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as either being a civil rights or a Muslim advocacy group. In reality, CAIR was started as a front for Hamas and continues to serve as one. But over the course of more than two decades, the Times has never reported on any of the many government documents and official transcripts that prove CAIR’s role as a front group for Hamas.

And when reporting on many of the Islamic terrorist attacks that have occurred in Europe in recent years, the Times has often omitted the key fact that the Islamist attacker often yelled out “Allahu Akbar” before committing his terrorist atrocity, despite no such reluctance by European media to report such critical facts.

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