Hague mosque calls for investigation into anti-Islam politician’s death

(NL Times) The As-Soennah mosque in The Hague wants the authorities to do an in-depth investigation into the death of PVV city councilor Willie Dille. Such an investigation is in the interest of Dutch society and can help prevent further polarization, mosque chairman Abdelhaid Taheri said to newspaper AD.

“In the interests of solidarity and because of the unrest that has arisen, it is important that there is a large investigation into whether her accusations are true or not,” Taheri said.

Dille committed suicide last week Wednesday. Earlier that day she posted a video on Facebook in which she said that she was kidnapped, raped and assaulted by a group of Muslims on March 15th last year — the day of the parliamentary election. She said that she had been threatened and that she feared for her life.

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