Senator honours White Australia Policy in first speech and calls for ‘final solution’ on immigration

(Sydney Morning Herald) Queensland senator Fraser Anning has praised the White Australia Policy and called for a plebiscite as “the final solution to the immigration problem” in the most inflammatory maiden speech to an Australian Parliament since One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s in 1996.

The Katter’s Australian Party senator, formerly of One Nation, used his first speech to the Senate on Tuesday to lament the demise of “our predominantly European identity” of the 1950s and ’60s.

“A key part of this great pre-Whitlam consensus was bipartisan support from both Liberal and Labor for a European-based immigration program,” Senator Anning said.

“Great Labor statesmen — Ben Chifley, John Curtin and Arthur Calwell — all strongly supported an immigration program that actively discriminated in favour of Europeans.”

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