It’s official: Toronto Muslim gunman not a terrorist Never mind that he expressed support for ISIS. That doesn’t fit the narrative.

(FrontPage) We can all relax now: the Associated Press reported Tuesday that “authorities say no link to terrorism in Toronto rampage that left 2 dead, 13 injured.” Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale declared: “At this stage, based on the state of the investigation, which is led by the Toronto police service, there is no connection between that individual and national security.” But cracks are already forming in the narrative.

The establishment media is treating the shooting as a gun control issue, and almost everyone seems to be accepting the family’s claim that gunman Faisal Hussain had “severe mental health challenges.” As to what tripped Hussain over the edge and led him to start firing randomly into Toronto restaurants, Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders is in the dark: “We do not know why this has happened yet. It’s going to take some time.”

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