Maryland mayor criticized for calling London’s Muslim mayor a ‘terrorist’

(Washington Post) The mayor of Hagerstown, Md., apologized Wednesday for his Facebook comments that upset many residents by referring to London’s mayor as a “terrorist.”

Sadiq Khan is the first Muslim elected mayor of the city of London. He approved protesters’ request to fly a provocative balloon over the city — a massive blimp shaped like President Trump wearing a diaper — to mark the president’s visit to Europe.

Robert Bruchey II, a car salesman who has been mayor of Hagerstown on and off since 1997, doesn’t hold back his opinions on Facebook. A vocal supporter of Trump, he often criticizes the targets of the president’s insults, such as his May 6 post about “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd. Bruchey wrote on Facebook: “Chuck Todd talks about credibility. LOLOLOL….hows that (fake news) wire tapping thing going for you Todd?”

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